Post-jam version of Micanthul crawler-autobattler project

Hi !

Here comes this month update. Following the Ludum dare 48, this update adds a number of things to the game-prototype :

- many fixes
- a new progression curve
- a minimap representing the progression
- unlocking of locations, including safe havens (hideout and village outposts) that allow to Camp and safely restore your party health points
- base code to prepare the party roster feature
- base code to prepare the dungeon feature
- new enemies
- new story events
- pause and fast modes

I am actively continuing the development of this project and wanted to share an update because the Jam version of the game feels really barebones. This one, I feel, is a better showcase of what I am roughly aiming for, although a lot more mechanics and tweaks are in the pipes.


Micanthul May [POST-JAM] 22 MB
May 22, 2021

Get Micanthul LD48

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